SY11 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY11 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY11 1 Postcodes (Active). SY11 1 postcode sector comprises of 248 active postcodes. SY11 1 sector has a population of 6337, and it has 2982 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY11 1 postcode sector

SY11 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6337
Addresses / Property Count 2982
Active Postcodes 248
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SY11 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 248 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY11 1AA 52.85933900 -3.05602200 3 5 328996 329617
SY11 1AD 52.86056800 -3.05734400 28 36 328909 329755
SY11 1AF 52.85925600 -3.05622800 3 5 328982 329608
SY11 1AG 52.85963000 -3.05666800 N/A N/A 328953 329650
SY11 1AJ 52.86167900 -3.05934500 19 33 328776 329881
SY11 1AL 52.86158600 -3.05863000 14 29 328824 329870
SY11 1AN 52.86227700 -3.05977600 2 7 328748 329948
SY11 1AP 52.86048600 -3.05845600 9 15 328834 329747
SY11 1AQ 52.86038600 -3.05751800 7 23 328897 329735
SY11 1AR 52.86044200 -3.05930200 6 12 328777 329743
SY11 1AS 52.86030500 -3.05955100 10 23 328760 329728
SY11 1AT 52.86089700 -3.05977400 10 10 328746 329794
SY11 1AU 52.86128200 -3.06052400 21 48 328696 329838
SY11 1AW 52.85978100 -3.05947700 30 57 328764 329670
SY11 1AX 52.85995600 -3.06044900 24 61 328699 329690
SY11 1AY 52.85927000 -3.06074400 1 4 328678 329614
SY11 1AZ 52.86025800 -3.06084200 24 62 328673 329724
SY11 1BA 52.86161100 -3.06094800 29 67 328668 329875
SY11 1BB 52.86234900 -3.06126500 4 7 328648 329957
SY11 1BD 52.86241700 -3.06166700 3 4 328621 329965
SY11 1BE 52.86255000 -3.06287400 3 7 328540 329981
SY11 1BF 52.85994400 -3.05970600 3 8 328749 329688
SY11 1BG 52.86161200 -3.06222700 9 28 328582 329876
SY11 1BH 52.86310600 -3.06061300 14 29 328693 330041
SY11 1BJ 52.86352200 -3.06037100 4 14 328710 330087
SY11 1BL 52.86457300 -3.06085800 21 59 328679 330204
SY11 1BN 52.86566400 -3.06041000 9 23 328711 330325
SY11 1BP 52.86614000 -3.06051000 6 14 328705 330378
SY11 1BQ 52.86180200 -3.06312300 7 9 328522 329898
SY11 1BS 52.86669400 -3.05991500 7 16 328746 330439
SY11 1BT 52.86631000 -3.05959400 12 25 328767 330396
SY11 1BU 52.86623300 -3.05816600 18 41 328863 330386
SY11 1BW 52.86539000 -3.05992800 10 27 328743 330294
SY11 1BX 52.86453800 -3.04616500 8 19 329668 330186
SY11 1BZ 52.86123900 -3.05969300 4 7 328752 329832
SY11 1DA 52.86178700 -3.05262100 17 30 329229 329886
SY11 1DB 52.86233500 -3.05474300 19 44 329087 329949
SY11 1DD 52.86227600 -3.05423700 17 41 329121 329942
SY11 1DE 52.86206000 -3.05387400 13 17 329145 329918
SY11 1DF 52.86205500 -3.05348700 12 39 329171 329917
SY11 1DG 52.86264200 -3.05354800 20 52 329168 329982
SY11 1DH 52.86264800 -3.05249200 35 56 329239 329982
SY11 1DL 52.86271600 -3.05498900 N/A N/A 329071 329992
SY11 1DN 52.86505900 -3.05475000 14 32 329091 330252
SY11 1DP 52.86651600 -3.05457800 6 18 329105 330414
SY11 1DQ 52.86084200 -3.05681600 5 13 328945 329785
SY11 1DR 52.86634000 -3.05423200 12 28 329128 330394
SY11 1DS 52.86565800 -3.05408100 7 25 329137 330318
SY11 1DT 52.86575100 -3.05268700 N/A N/A 329231 330327
SY11 1DU 52.86452400 -3.05219700 13 34 329262 330190
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